How to Get Cigarette Smoke Odors Out of a Purse

How to Get Cigarette Smoke Odors Out of a Purse

Removing the smell of smoke from a purse is not difficult, it is just a matter of trial and error. Different fabrics may react to being treated differently.

Things You'll Need:

White Vinegar

Woolite or Ivory Soap

Unused fresh coffee grounds


Saddle soap or another leather conditioner


The first step in removing the smell of cigarette smoke from fabric is to determine the type of fabric you will be treating.


If your purse is made of leather, it may be very difficult to remove odors. Begin by cleaning the purse with a leather conditioner like saddle soap. Some of the smell will be removed with a proper cleaning of the leather. Once you've cleaned the purse, place it in a very well ventilated area. Leather is porous so the smell may take time to fade.


For fabrics, start by placing the purse into a box at least twice as big as the purse that seals well. Take an old pair of pantyhose and cut the foot off, fill it with fresh unused coffee grounds. Cheesecloth or muslin will also work. Place the bag inside the box and seal. Make two bags and place the second bag inside the purse if smell is obviously on the interior. Leave box undisturbed for 24-48 hours.


If you don't have coffee, place the purse in a box along with a bowl of white vinegar. The purse should not touch the vinegar. You can find white vinegar in the cleaning aisle or the salad dressing aisle at the grocery store. Leave undisturbed for 24-48 hours.


If vinegar and coffee do not work, place the purse in the box with a dish of activated charcoal. You can usually find this type of charcoal in any store that sells supplies for fish tanks. Leave undisturbed for 24-48 hours.


If placing a fabric purse in a box with odor removing agents does not work, you can try spraying it with an odor removing spray like "febreeze". Before spraying the entire purse first test a small patch of fabric in an area that will not be noticed if the febreeze changes the color of the fabric.


If the box and febreeze do not work, hand washing a fabric purse in lukewarm water will usually work. Do not do this if the purse is leather or wool. Use a very mild soap like Woolite or Ivory. Allow the purse to air dry.


If your purse still smells like smoke after these steps, you may want to take the purse to a professional dry cleaner. They have chemicals that are not available in stores that may remove the smell.

Tips & Warnings

Leather is the most difficult fabric from which to remove the smell of smoke.

The inside of your purse may be as smelly as the outside. Don't forget to leave the purse open if you are using the box method.

A dry cleaner will have access to cleaning agents that you do not. Before you give up on your purse, take it to a professional.

Some fabrics will discolor or bleed dye when you use agents like febreeze or attempt to hand wash.

If you can place the purse outside while a breeze is blowing (think clothesline) try that first!