How to Get Eco-Friendly Fashion Sense

How to Get Eco-Friendly Fashion Sense

Love fashion? Live for the newest trends? Does your closet look like a compilation of the latest magazine covers? Get in style with the latest fashion trend--eco-friendly fashion. It's the greatest thing in the fashion world today and all the cool people are doing it all over Hollywood. Read on to see how you can join the movement and follow in fashion's latest footsteps.

Things You'll Need:

Organic clothing

Faux fur


Go organic. Try out the newest craze with cloth. Outfits and accessories made from hemp and other sustainable materials have become regular parts of lines of some fabulous designers in L.A. Cotton has never left the mainstream for comfortable, stylish clothing and is still very popular. Bamboo in your clothing? Yes, this highly sustainable resource can be used to create all sorts of articles of clothing, so go the way of the panda and rest comfortably within your bamboo.


Faux is in. No need for any small, furry woodland creature to suffer for your style. Faux fur has come a long way in the last ten years and can adorn anything from boots to coats to hats and be as beautiful and luxurious as the real thing.


Friendly accessories. Handbags made of recycled tires? Cotton and canvas used for something other than backpacks? Even accessories have made the revolution to greener styles and materials. Match your vinyl bag to your hemp shoes and hat to be sure you cover all the necessary fashion bases.


Be fair. Try and make purchases that are supported by the Fair Trade Association the next time you shop so you can rest easy knowing that they are made from highly-sustainable materials that were harvested so as not to harm the environment.


Hooray for the U.S.A. Buy local and make sure you see the "Made in the U.S.A." label. Buy domestic whenever you can.